
Sandy did such an amazing job on our website! We couldn’t be happier.

Featured Post Image - Sandy did such an amazing job on our website! We couldn’t be happier.

When we started we had nothing but an idea: we had no pictures, no videos, no text… no content at all. We were starting a brand new business and we didn’t have any pre existing resources to build on. Sandy was able to determine our needs just by talking to us about what we wanted. She took us from having nothing, to having a full fledged, fully functional, beautiful website that makes our new business look totally professional.
Did I mention that she did all of this during the pandemic quarantine? Because she did! We had meetings via phone or video chats, sent emails, and she even talked us through how to create a YouTube channel and post videos. It was awesome.

She kept us up to date on her progress as the site was being built, and she also kept us both motivated and focused (no small task) to stay on track with the parts that we needed to do. Her energy and enthusiasm really lifted us up and kept us moving forward