Web Industry Blog

SEO To-Do List

I have learned much about how to create findable websites from my professor Aarron Walter at the Art Institute of Atlanta. There is so much content on the subject of SEO, that I decided to create myself a to do list and share it with you here in an abbreviated version:

  1. Define keywords and insert them into H tags, metatags, filenames, and link titles
  2. Link to my classmates blogs, and hope that they reciprocate
  3. Use microformats and XFN to identify my professor and classmates
  4. Create a sitemap; Google Sitemap Generator has WordPress plugins
  5. Change WordPress permalinks to display date and name
  6. Modify header.php file to display the title of the post instead of just “blog archive”
  7. Validate pages for XHTML strict
  8. Claim blog at Technorati
  9. Register site with search engines


Update 12/11/14:

Utilize “Duplichecker” free tool to double check client sites to make sure they have not duplicated or copied content from another website.