Web Industry Blog

Detecting Microformats

So how do you detect a microformat? Install the plugin in Firefox and it brings up a sidebar that highlights items you can click to save.  So I’m told.  The plugin only works on earlier versions, not 2.0.  Besides that, blogs about microformats tell of how they couldn’t get this or that to work. So maybe were’ not up and running yet, but microformats look like they will have a prosperous future.  The trend for people to write semantic code is driving people to write microformats now, even though it’s not mainstream. You have to use class names anyway, why not use some standard ones? Data like events, topics, geo locations can be mapped to the microformat class name, and everyone already understands these bits of information.

3,382 comments Detecting Microformats

toebird says:

Tails extension doesn’t work with latest version of Firefox now. Operator is working.

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